Frogwatch wrote:
On Aug 27, 2:18 pm, NotNow wrote:
Seeing how most conservatives don't want the government intruding on
private business, I wonder how THIS will spin?
The FTC is going to force companies to stop making robo-call sales
Damned liberals. Now they want people to be able to enjoy their after
work evenings......
You actually mean the FTC will finally do their job? You mean they
will finally earn their bloated salaries instead of on-the-job-
retirement? I am truly shocked.
There is a big difference in taking over a company because they disagree
with the type of cars they make;
forcing financial institution to make unsound loans to deadbeats for
houses they cannot afford and then not do anything about those loans
when the financial institution chocks on them;
force every body in to government insurance programs that per the
authors own publications will distribute health care based on the age
and condition of the individual. (Even obama said on TV he did not
think a 100 year old woman should have received a pacemaker five years ago)
AND upholding the constitution and prevent companies from intruding on
the private lives of voters.
However since this activity is not specified as a Federal government
activity per the Constitution, it is the states prerogative to deal or
not deal with this issue. I agree with you that the Federal FTC should
but out.