Clunker Math
wrote in message
On Sat, 5 Sep 2009 21:31:48 -0700, "nom=de=plume"
I originally typed "Obama" but I didn't want to keep slamming a guy
who is basically a puppet for the people who put him in office. You
notice he has backed off of all of his "change" rhetoric since his
Jimmy Carter moment (roughly defined as the day he realized the
president is largely a ceremonial office)
Gore has their ear and is the high priest in the carbon tax crusade.
That cult has taken over the left.
How do you come to the conclusion that Obama is a puppet? The majority of
Americans put him in office and by a wide margin in the electoral college.
Every president since Nixon was a puppet of the monied people who put
him in office. It is getting worse each cycle.
Well, in that sense ok.
Nobody comes up with a billion dollars without owing a lot of
allegiance to a lot of rich people. You also have party pressures.
That is what knocked down all of Carter's lofty goals. I only bring
him up as an example of an "outside the beltway" guy who came to town
promising to change the way government worked. He was ground up and
reduced to a gray paste in 3 months, much like Mr Obama.
The jury is still out with Obama. I hope it won't happen. We need it not to
I guess it's got to be someone's fault, so Gore is it
Gore is the spiritual leader of the carbon tax cult, no more, no less.
In that regard he is the democratic equivalent of Jerry Falwell or
Rick Warren who also were not government officials but had a lot of
influence on Bush's policies and controlled a lot of votes.
I'm unconvinced by either those groups... carbon tax vs. cap and trade. I
should read more about it.