"NOYB" wrote in message news:e837b.9650
Productivity refers to hours worked by "hourly" employees. You guys are
talking about "salaried" employees...and they don't have an effect on
Not a perfect system, but "thems the facts".
Apparently not.
Because CES data include only nonfarm wage and salary workers, data from the
Current Population Survey (CPS) are used for farm employment. In the nonfarm
sector, the CPS is also used for proprietors and unpaid family workers.
Government enterprise hours are developed from the National Income and
Product Accounts estimates of employment and CPS data on average weekly
Separate estimates for employment and hours paid are developed for each
major sector, converted to an hours-at-work basis. The labor input of
employees of nonprofit corporations are estimated based on data from the
Commerce Department's Bureau of the Census and Bureau of Economic Analysis
and subtracted from the totals for each major sector. Hours of labor input
are treated as homogeneous units; no distinction is made among workers with
different skill levels or wages.
For nonmanufacturing sectors, employment and average weekly hours are
computed from the CES, CPS, and NIPA sources. Although CES data on average
weekly hours refer only to nonsupervisory workers, it is assumed for the
computation of hours that the length of the workweek in each
nonmanufacturing industry is the same for all wage and salary workers.