"nom=de=plume" wrote in message
"Tim" wrote in message
On Sep 12, 7:36 pm, "Don White" wrote:
"Tim" wrote in message
We hit the Lake approx 2:00 and left at about 5:30. I jsut got
We could have stayed longer, but eh, 4 hr.s of taking the niece's
son's tubing was plenty for everybody. My niece isn't a slave to
fashion but when we went tubing last time, I about flipped her over
and she lost a $45.00 pair of non-prescription sunglasses. "Vanity,
vanity... all is but vanity"
So this time, when headed for the lake I stopped at Salem at the
MotoMart and bought 4 pair of sun glasses at $2.50 each.
So I asked her if she brought any sunglasses,and she said ,
Yes, i just picked these up yesterday" I asked her how much they were
and she said $38.00. I told her to leave them in her car, and handed
her a pair of "El Cheapo" she looked at me like "You're kidding?" I
said,"No I'm not kidding, Wouldn't you rather lose a cheap pair than
expensive ones? she like of shurugged her shoulders but put them on,
and in the glare off the lake she commented that they did a better job
of cutting the glare then her expensive ones. "Amaziing" I thought
to myself. My niece has a rather thin face, and he had on some
"aviator style" glasses,adn her son said she looked like a horsefly.
after she took her turn on the tube of resolve, sure enough she didn't
have the glasses in place and had them on her forehead, and off they
came. She apologized about losing them and I told her not to worry
abotu it, and asked if she wanted another pair. After all, I had
another set. She took them, and after we had trailered the boat she
asked me if they could keep them. With a grin I said "You mean you
like those things?" She said "yeah, we'll keep them for next time!"
So I take it I'm set up for a sequel.
i like hanging around witht he girl and the lads. i wish we could have
found more to do. But then again everybody was tired and she had to
get back for work later on today. But everybody had eye protection
snack's and juices , and just a plain good day on the water.
So, another good flushing enjoyed by everybody.
hope y'all had fun today too!
The thing about cheap sunglasses...they may not protect the user from
harmful UV rays....
well, that could be, Don. But These do take a glare off a windshield
pretty well. and if anything else they're better than nothing.
Sometimes, sometimes not... http://science.howstuffworks.com/sunglass1.htm
Yup...thank you...that's what I had heard before...
"When you buy a pair of cheap sunglasses, you often give up all of these
benefits and can even make things worse. For example, if your sunglasses
offer no UV protection, you increase your exposure to UV rays. The cheap
sunglasses block some of the light, causing your iris to open to allow more
light in. This lets in more of the UV light as well, increasing the damage
UV light can cause to the retina. "