What was that?
wrote in message
On Sun, 13 Sep 2009 21:50:06 -0700, "nom=de=plume"
Just continuing in the footsteps of his predecessor.
Clinton murdered 1000s of people in Iraq?
Maybe you mean Bosnia?
Saddam said about 20,000 died in the "no fly zone" bombings. We denied
it but we really didn't have any way to prove him wrong. We were
shooting missiles into residential areas to suppress Iraqi radar sites
on a pretty regular basis. I have to believe some people died, even if
it was just radar operators. I understand Saddam put his people at
risk by locating these sites in residential areas but we still shot at
At a certain point you have to admit these were still acts of war.
That is why I say Iraq is an 18 year war, spanning 4 presidents now.
That is the kind of record you expects out of 14th century European
I wouldn't believe Saddam on most anything. He actually lied about the WMDs,
I guess mostly to keep the Iranians at bay.