New Problem, gas leak in rear barrel (4 barrel Holley)
fzbuilder wrote:
Ok guys, I just noticed today after pin pointing one prob on my boat,
I ran into another. I have a 350cid Penta with a Holley 4010 marine
carb. I was getting some excess smoke and realized the back right
barrel on the carb has gas pouring out of it into the engine. Not sure
what it is called, but it is leaking from the center round part the
points into the carb, not the tube. Since the back butterflies were
closed, it just starts to puddle up on that one barrel. It has been
acting like it is missing. I replaced the fuel pump recently. Could to
much fuel pressure be doing this...wanted to get some advise before I
just order a carb rebuild kit. Thanks.
Might have a weak float needle and seat. Make sure you weigh the float
to make sure it isn't waterlogged. I'm not too up on Hollys but I think
the power valve can cause this problem as well.