Jim wrote:
nom=de=plume wrote:
"SteveB" wrote in message
Is everyone boating? Low number of posts. Or maybe I've killfiled
everyone ............... ;-) Hope to get on my Lund this week and do
some work and catch some rainbows.
Ok, so I wasn't on a boat, but I was near the water and saw a bunch of
boats. I have a question about one I saw. It was a sailboat with only
one mast. It was not small... probably 35 or 40 feet long. It was
strange for a couple of reasons. First, the only mast didn't have any
wires holding it up, at least none I could see, but it was a huge
(thick) mast. Second, the mast was not in the "normal" position. It
was really far forward, almost to the bow. Third, and the truly
strange, it looked like a big windsurfer. I used to windsurf, so I
know what that looks like. It had two booms in a bow shape wrapped
around the mast and going back to the cockpit.
So, what is it? Is this a normal sailboat? Sorry if this is dumb
Google up freedom sailboats. Is that what you saw?
Make that Non Such, not freedom.