Obama *DID* lie - the ultimate goal of the leftists is fullbenefits for illegal aliens
wf3h wrote:
On Sep 30, 10:54 am, Beam Me Up Scotty Then-Destroy-Everyth...@Talk-n-
dog.com wrote:
wf3h wrote:
and quickly evolved into a racist party when it found out how
lucrative racism could be.
Wow a lucrative industry.... why didn't "we" try to exploit the racism
thing like the Liberals do, look at the Billions of dollars they get to
reform millions of people that aren't even racists. What a scam.-
because it got you votes and money. and that's all the right wing
cares about.
Liberals did it first. We didn't see the value and need to exploit the
divisive lines between races like the Liberals did.
Liberalism is based on race and is inherently racist because in
Liberalism, race is the one thing from which all else is derived.--
The problem with Socialism is, sooner or later, socialists run out of
other peoples money.