On Oct 1, 7:16*pm, JohnH wrote:
On Thu, 1 Oct 2009 15:55:35 -0700 (PDT), FishWisher
I finished the windlass install a week ago, but needed a canvas cover
for the bow to hide all the hardware that supports the windlass, and I
think it turned out pretty well.
Photo of the project and the final result on my homepage he
Now to get that anchor system wet out on Suisun Bay chasing sturgeon -
hopefully next week!
I gotta tell you, that looks like a damn fine job! I don't know if
your snaps are really tight, but rather than take the chance of
tearing any fabric you might consider one of these:
These are metal, but plastic ones work just as well for releasing the
snaps. You can probably find them for free at your local golf course.
Great job.
John H
All decisions, even those of liberals, are the result of binary thinking.
Nice job. I have a delta anchor for my sailboat and I love it. They
will swerve and then re-set whereas the Danforth anchors may not hold
when wind shifts a lot. Unfortunately, I haul mine by hand and I
think it is bigger'n yours (28' boat weighing 8000lbs)