On Oct 3, 1:13*pm, Frogwatch wrote:
A unilateral truce does not work. *I stopped posting political stuff
but our lefties here kept doing so, so it is off as far as I am
The left has been exposed as favoring sexual slavery for children,
Pelosi, Barney's Frank, Reid and 72 other Dems would not vote to
defund ACORN. *Of course, our most prolific poster here favors sexual
?? now let's see.
the right has got us into 2 wars that they never intended to win
killed over 4500 US troops in these wars
spend $3 trillion dollars on these wars
destroyed $13 trillion dollars in middle class wealth
and they're worried about ACORN
kind of tells you about the mental powers of the right, doesn't it?
His so-called missile defense for N Europe based on ships WILL NOT
bush's 'missile defense' didn't work and was targetted at ICBMS that
iran does not have. it was a multibillion dollar boondoggle for the
rich, just like the rest of bush's failed policies
look at a globe you geographically ignorant lefties whereas it
was proven to work for land based missiles against small numbers of
who are the attackers? notice he doesn't say....
Barney's Frank is trying to get us to bend over again by forcing
insurance companies to give insurance to poor risks as they forced
lenders to lend to poor risks.
and the free market fundies want to bankrupt the US economy by letting
health care costs spiral out of control as they did under bush
A trillion dollars in the porkulus and we have over 10% unemployment,
truly EPIC FAIL,
the economy collapsed under bush. obama's cleaning up HIS mess
the right thinks obama's been president for 8 years. must really hurt
to admit the truth