Plural of "possum"
On Oct 6, 10:10*am, H the K wrote:
On 10/6/09 10:08 AM, Frogwatch wrote:
On Oct 5, 10:54 pm, *wrote:
Is it "Possi" or Posses or just "possums". *Fool dogs are going
bonkers over a couple of less than usual possums hiding in the brush
pile out back. *You'd think they had never seen Possums before.
OK, that did not come out right. *I meant the Possums are more active
than the dead ones we usually see on the road.
How much more active?
Idiots All
The ones on the road are generally inactive, being roadkill although
some people think they are born that way. These two were scurrying
round and round the brush pile driving the dogs nuts. They musta been
hungry for cat food cause they normally stay out of the fenced back
yard for fear of the dogs. Some nights, I'll go out back to the deck
and see if the cats are eating and instead of 3, I'll count 5.
Possums look up like saying "We're just funny lookin cats, pay us no
mind". Cats are "speciasts" though, they'll eat with possums but not
with raccoons.