Epic Fail
John H wrote:
On Tue, 06 Oct 2009 15:30:31 -0400, Jim wrote:
H the K wrote:
On 10/6/09 3:11 PM, Jordon wrote:
John H Rant wrote:
On Tue, 06 Oct 2009 09:29:07 -0700, Jordon
JohnRant wrote:
Jordon wrote:
Jim wrote:
Wayne.B wrote:
On Mon, 05 Oct 2009 09:10:57 -0700, Jim wrote:
Hard to see how we could ever be a success at anything when
there's so many people working for failure, and these are the
guys who ignore the last eight years of failure.
Wouldn't it be refreshing for someone on the left, or the right, to
say something like: "Let's put our differences aside and do what's
best for the country".
O' Bama said that very thing. But, we all know that the right
will never support anything with his signature on it.
There, I fixed it for you.
Bull****. As soon as he does something right, the right will support
it. We're waiting. Probably in vain.
You are either deaf, blind and dumb or you're towing
the party line. Which is it?
As a liberal, you are great at name-calling. But, you've not posted
anything to refute my post.
One recent example...
Just a couple days ago, at an Americans for Prosperity
meeting, the news broke that Chicago wasn't picked
for the 2016 Olympics. Someone made an announcement to
the crowd and the crowd erupted with cheers chanting
“Obama Loses, Obama Loses!”. It's all over the news.
It's on tape. I'll provide a dozen links if you want.
There are a ton of highly recognizable right-wing
names that are associated with that group. I'll
provide those too if you want.
Now, you tell me... what is so wrong with our president
trying to get the Olympics to be hosted in this country?
Something so terrible that would inspire a crowd to
chant "Obama loses"?
If you can't see that a substantial portion of the
right are opposing Obama, at all cost and with every
issue, you *ARE* blind! You *ARE* deaf. And you sir,
are dumb as a stump!
Well, it didn't take you long to figure out our boy, John Herring.
Probably would not surprise you to learn he is also a racist, and has
posted hate-filled missives here about black and latinos.
Oh Harry. I find that hard to believe. Show me a post that illustrates
your point.
He has yet to do that. But, the liberals believe him anyway. His
banter is worthless and easily ignorable.
We need to be wind him up a little tighter before we bozo bin him.;-)