Which committee?
"nom=de=plume" wrote in message
"Lu Powell" wrote in message
A Chicago poster hit a home run with the following. "The Chicago democrat
machine ain't what it used to be. They were supposed to bribe the Olympic
I thought the IOC was supposed to be the "one world gov't" sports wing.
You guys cheered when the US didn't get the 2016 games, which meant no
jobs (fyi, jobs that would have started almost immediately). Then, when
the Nobel committee confirms your belief that Obama is a one-worlder, you
scream and yell, claiming it's a fraud. Please pick one. I'm getting
Quoting you from your recent post on who's whining: "Friendly reminder...
it's a comedy show. You're supposed to laugh at the jokes (sic) not take
them too seriously."
How do you spell "hypocrite"?