Nobel Prize for Medicine next year...
On Sun, 11 Oct 2009 13:20:44 -0600, Vic Smith wrote:
We'll see how the final health care bill looks. Jack posted the
lobbyists in the Obama admin. Don't forget that Daschle is/was a health
care lobbyist. Besides being a tax cheater, ala what's-his-name, the guy
from the NY fed and a bunch of the other pols. Geithner. Our "leaders."
Don't pay too much attention to the lobbyists list posted. It's as full
of "Hot Air" as the blog it came from. There are only two names on that
list that pose any concern, William Lynn and Mark Patterson. Tom Vilsack
may have been lobbied for the NEA, but he was also Governor of Iowa for 8
years. He should know something about agriculture. And William Corr as
Deputy Health and Human Services? He was a lobbyist for the Campaign for
Tobacco-Free Kids. Where's the conflict there?
If you recall, Geithner was a hold-over from the Bush administration.
The reasoning was not to change horses in mid-stream.
Here's something nobody even talks about in - in plain language. And
that goes for the Dems in charge too. A big part of proposed health care
solutions from both Dem and Rep sides is gov subsidies for lower-income
folks. Subsidies to buy for-profit health insurance. And I've seen
"lower-icome" defined up to $70k for a family of 4. Without a public
non-corporate health insurance option, this is simple corporate
Of course it is. It's also the reason some for of competition has to be
put in place. Either co-ops, or a public option. It's the only way this
will work long term.
It's so darn stupid it makes me sweat behind the ears. Corporate commies
calling the backers of public-option/revenue neutral health insurance
There are a number of health care models around the world that give
better results than ours, and reduce costs to the national economy.
We're too darn busy throwing political stones here to see the writing on
the wall, and instead reinvent the wheel - but it's a square wheel.
That's why there is ever-increasing speculation that the dollar will
soon go away as the premier international currency. That won't hurt the
leaders of course, because they can arbitrage and make killings trading
goods produced elsewhere. Greed is good.
The facts about what works and what doesn't are well known. Everybody
who can read should have seen the stats on health care costs and health
results from out competitors by now. But the Dems and Reps have their
followers throwing eggs at each other while they all suck up corporate
money gathered up from the little folks.
Unfortunately, it isn't what will work, it is what we can get passed.
Most of the highest rated health systems, are strictly public option. I
don't see that standing a chance here.
Don't even get me started on why no H1N1 vaccine is produced in the
U.S., but it all has to be imported.
America can't even make a vaccine here. Don't think we can even make a
washing machine anymore. Change is coming all right. That's for sure.
But being the eternal optimist, I say it will all work out. As in life
is a bitch, then you die.
Well, if the dollar tanks, as expected, it will give our manufacturers a
boost. Mixed blessings, I guess.
Which isn't a bad life compared to, say....a guppie. Just kidding. I'm
enjoying life just fine. Could use some more Florida fish and sun