GC Boater wrote:
On Oct 10, 9:53 pm, Roger wrote:
GC Boater wrote:
On Oct 9, 8:07 am, GC Boater wrote:
On Oct 9, 8:06 am, GC Boater wrote:
On Oct 9, 7:29 am, Scott Dickson wrote:
On Oct 8, 10:46 pm, GC Boater wrote:
This one gets the "Turd Poster" award......
Wonder why
Wonder why it is, Dickster, that criminal convictions for sex crimes
follow the name of Harry Krause?
Hey Dickster, any ideas why the theme of child sexual abuse follows
the name of Harry Krause up and down the Eastern Seaboard?
Unless you know that to be a fact, it's inappropriate. There are many
factual issues that you can attack if you choose to.
It is a FACT that a person (possibly two persons) named Harry Kruase
has/have been convicted of child sexual abuse. Once in Florida and
once in Maryland. Do you need the cites to the public record?
It's also a FACT that Harry Krause is a rather common name. He is a lot
of things, but I doubt he is a pedophile.