On Oct 13, 8:35*pm, Jim wrote:
H the K wrote:
On 10/13/09 4:18 PM, Jack wrote:
On Oct 13, 11:18 am, *wrote:
On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 12:18:12 -0400, John H
No matter how badly your day is going,
Just remember:
Oh, yeah? Well, somewhere there is an Mr. Coulter! Huh? What? Well.....
somewhere there is a Mrs. Limbaugh! Huh? What? Really? Well, dammit,
somewhere there is a Mrs. Steve Gunderson..... Huh? No! He's what?
Oh..... just forget it....
Interesting that the sister site,www.liberal-truths.comis down
because of repeated cyber-attacks. *Liberal will do anything to hide
what they are really about, eh?
Funny stuff!!
Paul Pelosi is a successful businessman whose wife is the
highest-ranking elected official in the United States. Nancy Pelosi is a
smart, charming woman.
Herring is a retired, grouchy old fart who accomplished next to nothing
in his life, and proved himself to be a racist with his comments about
blacks and Latinos. He does have a nice wife, though.
Demonizing their opponents is what the Republicans do best. *I remember
their video with a Star Wars theme, she was "Darth Pelosi." *Asinine
stuff, but attractive to the brain dead followers of the right. *The
same people who don't see a problem with Palin.
Demonizing Palin, Bush, etc., doesn't ring a bell? Demonizing an
opponent is a play right out of the liberal playbook.
If you think otherwise you're... simple.