Samsung ****...
"Scott Dickson" wrote in message
On Oct 15, 2:39 pm, Tosk wrote:
Yup, the Samsung TV we bought last year is down again.. We bought two of
them and one died in less than thirty days, the other in about a month,
now the second is down again with no help of concern from Samsung.. Stay
away from their crap, it sucks and they don't give a ****.. What a joke
this chink crap is. I would gladly pay double for an appliance that
works. Let's bring manufacturing back to the US even if it does cost
With dopey FAGGOT ****s like you in it....WHY?
Scott... why do you keep posting stuff like this? Firstly, it's pretty
boring, and perhaps you have something more interesting to say? Secondly, I
don't think it's appropriate to use "gay" or "faggot" or similar to put
people down. Gayness is not a choice, and the implication from your posts is
that it should be something to be ashamed of, which is nonsense. I can
understand dopey, however. lol
I've only been here a short time, despite what a few say, but I think the
continued use of explitives is really off-putting (to use an over-used
I'm sure you have a gripe with dopey Tosk, no offense intended to him or
you. I know I'm taking a chance that this will inflame the situation, but I
felt like I should say something.
What do you think?