"Don White" wrote in message
"H the K" wrote in message
On 10/16/09 8:55 AM, Don White wrote:
wrote in message
Tosk wrote:
In articleKridncNe__cRXUrXnZ2dnUVZ_hZi4p2d@giganews. com,
Don White wrote:
"H the wrote in message
On 10/15/09 2:39 PM, Tosk wrote:
Yup, the Samsung TV we bought last year is down again.. We bought
them and one died in less than thirty days, the other in about a
now the second is down again with no help of concern from
away from their crap, it sucks and they don't give a ****.. What a
this chink crap is. I would gladly pay double for an appliance
works. Let's bring manufacturing back to the US even if it does
Somehow, I just know that if someone rational called Samsung for
that person would get it. But when a foul-mouthed little **** like
calls for help, well, who wants to give it?
I can't believe The Freak actually used that term to describe
people. I haven't heard that since we were kids.
Why wait to respond to your master, dummy? If it really bothered
wouldn't you confront the original post? Your motive is pathetic and
very obvious.
China and Russia are not our friends. And Donnie is still just a
monitor, rat bitch who really should have spent more time raising his
kid. Wonder if the kid is a punk bitch like his dad?
Donny is still in the process of raising his kid. He should have paid
attention to him during his formative years, then he wouldn't be stuck
with him now.
Are you really that stupid?
For some reason...Snotty The Freak stays in my septic tank where he
I don't see his posts until someone like you quotes him.
I just can't believe your little dumb friend. He's in a spot of trouble
because he trash talked another posters dead mother...and yet here he is
doing the same to my son. I guess the truly dumb just don't learn from
their mistakes.
BTW... I enjoy having my son here...and my oldest will be down from
Vancouver for a visit next week.
Hmmm...my wife is heading out to Vancouver for a few days in a few weeks.
I think she'll have one day for R&R. Is a side day trip to Victoria worth
the trouble? Ask your eldest what the "must-see's" are in that area.
Will do.
It's been a long time since I was in Victoria....during the winter but
remember a very pretty tourist type place.
The ferry trip across to Vancouver Island (Nanaimo) is enjoyable.
For a day trip, she does not want Nanaimo, she wants Swartz Bay. Take the
Grey line tour from in front of Parliament house. Gives a great overview
and history of Victoria. She can visit Che McDonalds. next to the City
Center mall. Only McD's with an $80k chandelier. A gift from the City
Center for moving when they were going to build. Is a nice walking city,
not real big in the area you are interested in. I would probably stay in
Vancouver and visit the area there. Stanley park, and maybe a day trip up
to Whistler ski area and not go to Victoria.