I got et up
wrote in message
On Sun, 18 Oct 2009 23:10:13 -0300, "Don White"
I used to hear that indians in FL used to apply lots of mud to their
bodies to protect themselves from bugs. Wonder if this was true? If
it dried and flaked off, it'd still leave enough residue to minimize
exposed bare skin. How did they bear all the bugs?
That is true but it was mud from shell and limestone, not clay like
you have up there. I think the combination of the alkalinity and the
barrier protection was the key. Guys I know from Everglades City are
pretty much immune to mosquitoes anyway. They just tolerate the bites
As a related thing to the mud, I know concrete dust is a mosquito
repellant. If you are out in the morning mixing concrete they will
bite until you get a bit of the concrete dust on you ther they leave
you alone.
Plugs up their biters?