Boating post!
On Wed, 21 Oct 2009 23:05:34 -0700, "Bill McKee"
Took the boat and new trailer for a drive today. Trailer with boat, tows
great. The UHMW bunks make winching the boat up easy. Launched at
Emeryville in to SF bay. Took a 10 mile run up to San Pablo Bay. Caught
one leopard shark of about 32" plugging with a Hairraiser. Bait fished for
striped bass later for one missed run. Weather was fantastic. Shirt sleeve
most all day, after a light fog in the morning. No wind. Came back at
about 30-40 mph except when I got in to an area of large wakes. The ferry
boat, and a couple tankers. The barges being pushed, seemed to generate
very little wake. Fishing as great, the catching lacked a little. Did see
a few stripers landed by a party boat.
Good on you. I'm jealous.