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"thunder" wrote in message
On Tue, 27 Oct 2009 18:43:48 -0700, nom=de=plume wrote:
Come on. Now it's the new, new canard.... too much golf. Bush was on
vacation for 1/3 of his term in office. That was ok with you? It's ok
with you for Obama to "just make a decision," rather than actually think
it through? Keep pounding away at the golf theme if you think that'll
Yes, it is a canard, as Bush's vacations were. With modern
communications, neither President is ever out of reach. Frankly,
whatever relieves the stress. Watch how a President ages before your
eyes. Bush showed the wear of eight years, and Obama is starting to show
some after only nine months. IMO, he can golf all he wants.
I agree, but I'm wondering what was Bush's stress from? He was on vacation a
lot prior to 9/11. I can understand (I suppose) after, but before?