nom=de=plume wrote:
"thunder" wrote in message
On Wed, 28 Oct 2009 07:42:51 -0400, Tom Francis - SWSports wrote:
Frankly, I honestly don't care either. However, again to be fair and
balanced, the media and the Left made a big deal about President Bush's
golf outings during times of economic stress and two wars. So why aren't
they making the same comparision for President Obama who has, as of
today, made more golf outings in the first nine months of his
Administration than Bush did in three years of his administration under
the same conditions?
Do you really think it's fair to compare Obama with some idiot who gave
up golf "in solidarity" with dying soldiers?
It's totally fair. That guy was an idiot (or so I'm told).
OR SO YOU'RE TOLD. I knew you were a sock puppet. Thanks for admitting it.