On 11/2/09 9:52 PM, Tosk wrote:
Caught again violating his terms of service at Photobucket. Looks like
Photobucket takes slander and copyright infringement pretty seriously.
Actually got a real letter from a real person, sounds like Harry might
be on his last legs there.
snerk Harry, common criminal, who'd a thunk?
Since I have Harry filtered, please let me know if he steals any more
pics from me or anybody else. I and my Atty. would be very grateful. TIA
Scott Ingersoll, IDesigns LLC...
If anyone would like a few photos of Tosk showing him as he actually is,
just let me know...I'll be glad to email them directly to you.
Tosk (Scott Ingersoll) is a short, pudgy little troll with unkempt hair,
a sizable gut, and a ratty doo-rag around his head. If you saw him on
the street, you'd think he was a wino.
(That better, Snotty?)