Poor Harry...
On Nov 3, 9:07*am, Tosk wrote:
In article f7c39dad-db35-460f-aeb5-771076c70bc0
@p35g2000yqh.googlegroups.com, says...
I guess you've never heard of OWNERSHIP have you, dummy?
Please, I knew Harry would machine gun answer this post trying to troll
me out. Why keep quoting him, I have him filtered, I don't care what
proven liars like he and his buddies say.
The point here is Harry is more than a common criminal. He is a leech
and living off our attention since he can't get a job after being fired
from Uuilco for filching poor retirees pension funds. It was nice to see
an Internet company like Photobucket take an interest in this with
personal letters and answer questions without block letters. They are
quite aware of how Harry operates, I have a suspicion his play time
there will be squashed soon.
Back to the Uuilco thing, folks are still looking for the asshole, I
have a "sneaking" suspicion, a couple of them might just have found him.
Could get interesting this spring... LOL...
Anyway, no need to repost his dribble, it's exactly what he wants, why
give it to him...
Wafa free again.
I have his address. If any of them contact me, I'll give it to them,
along with phone numbers.