creationists seem to be developing a language all their own. they want
to explain features of nature without using scientific concepts, and
to be religiously orthodox with their fundamentalist beliefs.
ironically enough, it's a form of 'natural selection.'
first they tried to use standard scientific terminology, but re-
defined in ways that they held as private definitions. thus 'natural
selection' became 'random variation' or some other nonsense.
when they got slapped down on this, they created neo-logisms that they
could use to try and explain nature without explaining nature (e.g.
'divergence speciation'...whatever that means.)
ray martinez has kind of left the planet with his recursive language
that starts with no logic at all (supernaturalism is, by definition
right) and therefore any idea which has ANY relationship to science is
wrong (evolution can't be tested even though he's been given ample
evidence it CAN be tested)
i think our goals as scientists will be accomplished if this
continues. creationists, like astrologers or other superstitious
folks, will have concepts and ideas describable only in fantasy terms
that no one will understand. no one will use them, and schoolboards,
lawyers, etc. will have no reason to push them in public schools
because they won't have any relationship to science at all.
but their creationist language will have descended with modification.
it will be content free, but it willl have survived.