On Tue, 03 Nov 2009 22:57:24 -0500, Tosk wrote:
John Corzine spent 120 million dollars and got his dirty corrupt ass
handed to him....!!! Good for New Jersey, good for America... Bad for
Uh, Corzine spent @ $23 million in this race. As for being good for New
Jersey, we'll see. We have a $10 billion budget shortfall that the state
Constitution requires to be closed, but I'll be waiting for the tax cuts
Christie promised me.
I'll tell you something about Corzine. He ****ed off a lot of voters
from both sides, and he wasn't a popular Governor, but that tells me, he
was making the tough decisions, unpopular as they are. Christie, on the
other hand, ran promising a "free lunch". I don't think he can deliver,
but we'll have to wait and see.