On Wed, 04 Nov 2009 08:19:00 -0500, BAR wrote:
Uh, Corzine spent @ $23 million in this race. As for being good for
New Jersey, we'll see. We have a $10 billion budget shortfall that the
state Constitution requires to be closed, but I'll be waiting for the
tax cuts Christie promised me.
What happens when your income isn't enough to cover your obligations?
You cut back on your obligations. Start firing some state workers.
We have a $29 billion state budget, with a $10 billion shortfall. Fire
all you want, you'll still be short, but hey, just as long as I get the
tax cut I was promised.
I'll tell you something about Corzine. He ****ed off a lot of voters
from both sides, and he wasn't a popular Governor, but that tells me,
he was making the tough decisions, unpopular as they are. Christie, on
the other hand, ran promising a "free lunch". I don't think he can
deliver, but we'll have to wait and see.
The tough decisions are not to keep raising taxes to keep the state's
bloated government running. The tough decisions are to cut the state
programs to reduce the need to raise taxes. All government programs
should be reviewed each year and the ones that offer no value to the
citizens of the state should be killed.
Corzine cut $4 billion, last year alone, which is one of the reasons he
****ed off a lot of voters, but hey, no worries, Christie promised me a
tax cut.