Great News!
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 672
Great News!
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Tosk wrote:
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With 31% of the vote counted, NBC is declaring McDonnell the winner in
the race for governor. He has 67% of the votes.
Come on 2010!
And they just called New Jersey for Christie... Now we just gotta' get
through the thousands of ACORN ballots that don't match the
signatures... Even if ACORN pulls it off like they did with Franken,
everyone knows the Democrats got their asses handed to them this time
around. The cards are on the table...
dirty rotten good for nothing "democrats"......
Not Democrats, ACORN. There should be no doubt that they are a criminal
outfit, they after have been convicted dozens of times, with many more
convictions coming down the pipe. Isn't "conviction" of a crime the
criteria you use as evidence of criminal activity??
Wafa free again.
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