Loogypicker wrote:
On Nov 4, 6:14 pm, Tom Francis - SWSports
On Wed, 04 Nov 2009 13:11:58 -0500, NotNow wrote:
Please read completely. Don't kill the messenger, don't give anecdotal
crap, but respond with good, solid science to refute each of the points.
I'll condense it for you.
1750: PDO displays an unusually strong oscillation.[2]
1905: After a strong swing, PDO changed to a "warm" phase.
1946: PDO changed to a "cool" phase. [See the blue section of the
graph on the right]
1977: PDO changed to a "warm" phase.[3]
1998: PDO index showed several years of "cool" values, but did not
remain in that pattern.[4]
2008: The early stages of a cool phase of the basin-wide Pacific
Decadal Oscillation
That does NOTHING to scientifically prove that man has had no impact
on global warming.
If you follow all of the long term sciences such as Archeology,
Paleontology, etc. you will see that all of them show the long term
cyclic variation in the climate. In fact from those same sciences, the
climate is now at a 100k year peak, and is about to take the plunge to a
much colder climate.
One of the recent studies that confirmed this trend was the study of the
settlement in what is now the English Channel and the North Sea.
If these algorian and obamodytes really believed in global warming they
would be supporting the operations of nuclear plant, be 100% behind the
construction of new nuclear plants, and not closing the western waste
storage facility. The only possible conclusion from their actions is
that climate change is nothing more that a new way to tax the American