By the people
On 11/6/09 5:00 PM, Jack wrote:
On Nov 6, 7:24 am, John wrote:
On Thu, 5 Nov 2009 21:58:53 -0800, "nom=de=plume"
I know some people's heads will explode, but I just saw that HBO documentary
about the Obama campaign. The best section was about a 12 year old making
campaign calls. He got some wacko, and wrote crazy next to the person's
name. That kid has a future. He was so calm and collected in the face of,
well, stupidity, on the other end of the phone. Some here could learn a lot
from him.
Many have.
How many folks here have already written 'wacko' next to nomdeplum?
John H
More on the fake documetary:
ABC Heavily Promotes New HBO Documentary on Obama: He’s so ‘Zen’ and
By Scott Whitlock (Bio | Archive)
October 27, 2009 - 15:00 ET
Good Morning America co-host Diane Sawyer on Tuesday helped promote an
upcoming HBO documentary on Barack Obama and allowed producer Ed
Norton to gush over the "zen" presidential campaign of the Democratic
candidate. Sawyer breathlessly teased the program as "the Obamas
behind closed doors. The grandmother who raised him and the man you’ve
never seen."
Sawyer played several clips of the By the People: The Election of
Barack Obama, a film that followed Obama and his family during the
2008 campaign. The segment, which ran six and a half minutes, will be
supplemented by more promotion on Tuesday’s Nightline. When asked what
surprised her about the Obamas, director Amy Rice enthused about "just
how normal they were."
Norton was impressed with the "calm," "no-drama Obama." The actor
continued, "And in a weird way, when you look behind the curtain with
that team, they are really zen. It's amazing how zen they are."
To her credit, Sawyer did at least express some skepticism as to how
authentic the whole project was: "Do you really think you saw the true
family, though? Because as we know, when you set out to do these
documentaries, everyone says complete access."
However, she didn’t ask any questions as to the left-wing bent of HBO
and the network’s documentaries. Earlier in the year, the channel
produced Teddy: In His Own Words.
Norton is a well known liberal activist and Hollywood star. On March
27, 2009, he appeared on NBC's Today to compare his Earth Hour
documentary on global warming to the civil rights march on Selma. On
April 22, 2008, he lamented how America lagged behind China when it
came to banning plastic bags.
"the left-wing bent of HBO and the network’s documentaries"
"Norton is a well known liberal activist"
It's called propaganda.
Awwwww. Jackoff doesn't like it. Awwwww.
Stop by the drug store for a new jar of vaseline, jackoff.