*ACTUAL* treason in high places: Democrats Vote to Give Illegal Aliens Unemployment Insurance
"sr" wrote in message
"Werner" wrote in message
On Nov 8, 12:12 pm, "sr" wrote:
=======No sense in hiding you money in a tin can in the backyard, the
value of the dollar in2010,2011, isn't going to be worth the sweat to dig
that hole. Inflation is going to hit us with dbl digits to cover all the
spending, Back to the Carter years. OBAMA is too young to remember the
Carter year, I guess, the same can't be said that had a hand in running up
this debt. Short signed, I guess
there goes your ignorant, retarded, goober ass again
what the hell is "short signed" ?
you ignorant, retarded,stupid,cross eyed hillbilly idiot