Thread: Hull Damage
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Capt. Mooron
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Default Hull Damage

Advise....... Buy a Keel Guard.


"David Purvis" wrote in message
.. .
| Last week I had my 2000 17ft Larson docked at a cottage bow in and up on
| tires with carpet over the tires to protect gellcoat.
| After digging out the sand and rocks the boat seemed fine and the back was
| floating and I could stick my foot under the bottom and had space there.
| before this I must of been rubbing on the many small stones.The first time
| beached it I felt it rub near the centre and that's when I dug out the
| Now the very pointed part of the bottom has been scratched badly but
| what bothers me is two long gouges that are not deep but can they be
| buy using a gellcoat repair kit ? Looks like two pointed rocks rubbed
| the bottom.
| Seems like a artist brush dipped into the filler would be all I need to
| in the voids. What do you guys think? Not to worried about how it looks as
| you have to get under the trailer and slide down to see it.Or should I get
| the bottom treated with hull paint?
| The boat will be back in the water in 5 days for 3 weeks then I will have
| time to buff out and wax the rest of the bottom.Was thinking of taking it
| for repairs but the damage is not deep and should not get under the
| gellcoat. The rest of the year it only gets in the water for a couple of
| a week then stays on the trailer.All this to try and free up the small
| for the kids to use!
| Thanks for any help you can give me.