Semper Fi
It's not for nothing that General George Casey warned against an
anti-Muslim backlash in the wake of the Fort Hood massacre. But a
whole slew of childlike nimrods, spurred to action by Casey vowing
that it would be "a shame if our diversity became a casualty," have
taken the stage to decry such concerns as "political correctness."
Michelle Malkin complained that this was worshiping "the false god of
diversity." Pat Robertson demanded that Muslims be treated as "members
of some fascist group." So much good sense, being made! And so,
naturally, the backlash Casey warned of has now expanded to include
Greek Orthodox priests.
Alexios Marakis, a Greek Orthodox priest visiting the U.S., got lost
in Tampa and tried to stop and ask directions from Marine reservist
Jasen D. Bruce. But instead of offering help, "Bruce struck the priest
on the head with a tire iron." The reservist believed Marakis, who
spoke limited English, was an Arab terrorist. Bruce chased the priest
for three blocks, "and even called 911 to say that an Arabic man tried
to rob him."