On Tue, 10 Nov 2009 18:54:03 -0800, Jim wrote:
Listening to the anti abortion people protest any health plan that would
possibly include abortion, I was wondering what they do in other
countries to appease these opposite beliefs.
The politicizing of abortion led to the current situation of one-half of
all abortions in Canada being performed at mostly private clinics.
Abortion clinics opened in the first place because hospitals were
failing to provide adequate services on a fair and equal basis for
Canadian women.
Hard to read that document and not see the logic.
Maybe there's some concern about this language: "All abortions are
medically necessary, since it is impractical and discriminatory to
separate out abortions done for "social" reasons from those done for
"health" reasons."
Some folks just don't believe that killing babies should have no
thought behind it whatsoever. I sure don't think I should have to pay
for them.
John H