On 11/11/09 1:27 PM, I am Tosk wrote:
In article434e6588-02be-459c-9b26-5262755508b1
@a21g2000yqc.googlegroups.com, says...
Dude. Islamic Jihadis kill thousands of Americans and one "muslim"
gets beat up and it's a serious backlash?
Well Froggie, I usually enjoy reading your stuff, but I fear it won't be
long. You see, all Harry wants here is to be heard and read. Most of us
are going to start ignoring him again and see if we can get him to eat
his widdew capguns. Those of you who insist on regurgitating his spew
will likewise be plonked.. Do what you want, but for now, it's him or
us, it's up to you who you want to play with....
Oooooh...the moron is making threats...oooooh!
If you are flajim, herring, loogy, GC boater, johnson, topbassdog, rob,
or one of a half dozen others, you're wasting your time by trying to
*communicate* with me through rec.boats, because, well, you are among
the permanent members of my dumbfoch dumpster. As always, have a nice,
simple-minded day.