Lou Dobbs - too honest for CNN...
jps wrote:
On Thu, 12 Nov 2009 08:20:32 -0500, Johnson
nom=de=plume wrote:
We need better border security and we need to start
enforcing the laws already on the books with greater vigor.
A nice thought, but incredibly naive.
In Freehold, NJ, there is a muster zone for these illegals. They hang
out there all day waiting for work, for some landscaper or other
business to pick them up. Cash trade.
The town decided to shut down the zone, and began regular patrols to
disperse the crowd:
"Day laborers filed a federal class action lawsuit alleging the borough
prevented workers from seeking employment. The lawsuit was filed on
behalf of day laborers, many of whom are Hispanic immigrants, after the
town shut down a muster zone where the laborers solicited work from area
contractors. The class claimed they were harassed and threatened with
police action for assembling at the location to scout work. The Borough
of Freehold has agreed to settle the case for $278,000." -Newsday
See? They were not illegal immigrants, they were "day laborers", and
*many* were "Hispanic immigrants". All working for cash, neither the
employer nor themselves paying the taxes they owe the government.
Now talk about enforcing the laws already on the books.
Sure doesn't look like they were enforcing them in a way that could be
prosecuted. They just shut the area down.
That's the trouble with our democracy. You need to have proof of
illegal activities. They didn't want to go through the trouble.
Why yes, that's it man!
There was no illegal activity. They didn't enter the country illegally.
They weren't loitering around all day on the sidewalks. They weren't
working for employers who didn't pay payroll taxes. These cash
day-workers are truly paying their taxes, dutifully filing state and
federal tax returns every year.
No, golly gee, these are decent, upstanding, law-abiding, hard-working
American citizens, reinforcing the fabric of a solid society. Golly gee,
why didn't *I* think of that when I read the story?
Damn you're brilliant, JPS!
Who are you going after next? Waitresses?
Why? Have they entered the country illegally?
Actually your question says it all, "Who are you going after next?".
That's fear. Be very afraid, JPS. An attempt might be made to enforce
the laws. Thank god it was subverted, and thank god we have you to spin
a rosy picture of it.