On 11/13/09 6:47 PM, I am Tosk wrote:
In ,
..to hear that Obama is going to try the five 9/11 terrorists in
accordance with our laws in New York City. These people deserve the
best lawyers, the protections afforded by our Constitution, and a
trial by a jury of their peers.
Peers? Say what? Well, there's always folks like jps, Harry, the plum,
Pelosi, and the entire ACLU, who will be glad to put the Bush
administration and the CIA on 'trial'. If they get a *real* jury of
their peers, maybe they'll even be allowed to go free! Yippee!
Also, I'm proud to say that my President is dutifully saving jobs like
it's going out of style. Here's another testament to his savings
The Man can do No Wrong!
You got it right there, this is all about putting the Bush admin and the
CIA on trial, another witch hunt to distract us from the real important
What a pair of reich-wing losers you boys are...
The five individuals, as with any other criminal defendants, deserve
their day in federal court. Our criminal justice system requires no less.
The Bush Admin had six years to wrap up this particular package of
rotten fish. It bungled the job. I sure hope there is more evidence than
what was gotten via waterboarding.
If you are flajim, herring, loogy, GC boater, johnson, topbassdog, rob,
or one of a half dozen others, you're wasting your time by trying to
*communicate* with me through rec.boats, because, well, you are among
the permanent members of my dumbfoch dumpster. As always, have a nice,
simple-minded day.