On 11/15/09 12:49 PM, I am Tosk wrote:
In ,
In ,
NowNow wrote:
Once again, the right wing nut cases are at it full throttle....
Step back and review your position. Do you want to be "just another lemming"
maybe this will help.
The "lemmings" are the nut jobs that come here with there anything
liberal is bad, everything conservative is good bull****.
Does that also include the ones who admit on a regular basis, such as
the Fort Hood incident that Obama was not at fault? Or the ones that
back up Bill Clinton for many of his decisions, war, finance, etc??
Cause if so, I am a lemming, even though I don't fit your above
How did you manage to crawl up the evolutionary ladder from lemming to
If you are flajim, herring, loogy, GC boater, johnson, topbassdog, rob,
or one of a half dozen others, you're wasting your time by trying to
*communicate* with me through rec.boats, because, well, you are among
the permanent members of my dumbfoch dumpster. As always, have a nice,
simple-minded day.