On Sun, 15 Nov 2009 10:12:22 -0800, Jim wrote:
Atomic Abusement Park Clown wrote:
I think we can just apply the filter now, as you are obviously a right
winger, who probably does not own a boat, who wants everyone to read
your predictably thoughtless parroting of the Republican thought of the day.
Hey - that was a good article. Why would you filter someone who posts
an editorial from the Boston Globe? Is that paper not liberal enough
for you?
Here's a good quote:
"Was there ever a president as deeply enamored of himself as Barack
The first President Bush, taught from childhood to shun what his
mother called “The Great I Am,’’ regularly instructed his
speechwriters not to include too many “I’s’’ in his prepared remarks.
Reagan maintained that there was no limit to what someone could
achieve if he didn’t mind who got the credit. George Washington, one
of the most accomplished men of his day, said with characteristic
modesty on becoming president that he was “peculiarly conscious of his
own deficiencies.’’
Obama, on the other hand, positively revels in The Great I Am."
John H