Junk off Topic Posts
On Nov 1, 10:54*am, Bruce in alaska wrote:
In article ,
*"Oliver Fleming" wrote:
* * It seems time we had a moderator for this group. All these advertising
for rubbish is a waste of time and bandwidth.
* * I am usually not in favour of regulation, however these advertisments
for junk are getting out of hand.
* * Any takers or suggestions?
Oliver Fleming
Oliver, You can't have a Moderator on this NewsGroup, by definition...
If you don't like what happens here... just remove yourself to
GoogleGroups.... I am sure you can find a Group, with a Moderator,
Bruce in alaska
add path after fast to reply
Just click on "more options", and "report this message" .The sucker
will disappear,. google will kick them off. Simple process, and that
is what it is there for.