To Just John
On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 14:41:49 -0800, Jim wrote:
Just John H wrote:
On Wed, 18 Nov 2009 09:01:31 -0800, Jim wrote:
Haven't Sara Palin and Jim wrote:
Dear JohnH:
I keep filtering you and you tweak your identity. You aren't fooling
anyone except yourself, because you seem to think that changing your
identity will change the ignorance of your posts and make a valid argument.
Making yourself go around everyone's filters isn't going to win you any
friends. You never have anything of value to say, we all know what you
will say before you say it.
You are still the same empty headed right wing leaning fool, and I can
keep up filtering you.
Eventually this will get old and I will go elsewhere, and you will have
But not yet.
Guess this is typical of people who think along right wing political
lines. Making yourself heard does not mean you have a valid point.
Haven't Joe the plumber and Sara Palin helped prove my point that making
you heard is no indicator that you have anything to say?
Life's a bitch. Then you die. Unless you're an unwelcome baby, then
you get to die much sooner.
Like I said, it's easy to predict what you will say, because you don't
think for yourself, you let the Republican Party do it for you.
As Rush used to say, "You don't need to think, I'll do it for you."
Hence the term dittohead.
Now to hit the filter again.
Ask Harry for help. He says *nothing* unwanted gets through his
'special' filters. He should be able to fix you right up.
Would you like some Gouda or cheddar with that whine?
John H