Another Day
"CalifBill" wrote in message
"nom=de=plume" wrote in message
"Loogypicker" wrote in message
Of nothing but John's anti-everything liberal bull****.
I used to think more of John until this daily crap started, now he's
just a reverse Harry.
He's just angry and fearful. He's very afraid of me and I live on the
other side of the US.
Your opinion of yourself is higher than john's. Is is fearful for the
country, just like a lot of others are. They saw what overspending by the
people on houses, etc did, and figure the government is emulating them.
They may have a rightful worry.
Yes, I have a decent opinion of myself. It's useless to be "fearful" for the
country. You'd be subject to fear-based notions. We got plenty of that after
9/11 from the Bush/Cheney crowd. If you're concerned about the country,
write to your representatives to tell them to end their obstructionist ways
and add some value to the situation.