On 11/24/09 8:07 AM, Jack wrote:
On Nov 24, 7:05 am, H the wrote:
On 11/24/09 6:48 AM, Jack wrote:
I wondered about that myself. Notice the "crickets".
Crickets? Not worth a comment.
You channeling the plum? Heh.
So you can't explain exactly what was racist about that cartoon
either, eh?
Ah, yes...the oh so typical right-wing "challenge." Sorry, there's just
nothing clever enough coming from you, Freddy Krueger's brother,
herring, or any of the rest of the right-wing dimwits here to provoke
the sorts of response you boys want.
If you are flajim, herring, loogy, GC boater, johnson, topbassdog, rob,
achmed the sock puppet, or one of a half dozen others, you're wasting
your time by trying to *communicate* with me through, because,
well, you are among the permanent members of my dumbfoch dumpster, and I
don't read the vomit you post, except by accident on occasion. As
always, have a nice, simple-minded day.