In article ,
Loogypicker wrote:
On Nov 27, 7:09 am, John H wrote:
...than some of the naysayers in this crowd.
"The Obama administration and leading Democrats, in an effort to win
greater support for climate change legislation, are eyeing federal tax
incentives and loan guarantees to fund a new crop of nuclear power
plants across the United States that could eventually help drive down
carbon emissions. "
John H
Some of the people in "this crowd" have enough sense to not post
political bull**** after political bull**** after political bull****
to a boating newsgroup....
Lighten up Loogie.
I didn't see this post as political. The topic of nuclear power is one
that has pros and cons and is a hot topic. All alternative energy is
expensive but once in place Nuclear is probably cheaper to maintain than
solar or wind. I am concerned about what to do with the waste but
science will solve that problem, I'm sure.
Maybe we can use it to heat democrats political offices

JK loog..