Flag etiquette
In article ,
BTW, along those lines, does everyone know that the order of rank/precedence
flying flags is: 1)Gaff of mainmast, 2) BOW post, 3) Stern pole.
diffrent flags fly from different points. club burgee, Q flag, Country Flag,
Curtesy flag, etc.
eg: on a sailboat; your burgee is flown fro the spreader, NOT the bow. On a
powerboat it's flown from the staff (if you have one) or from the bow.
at least, that's how I understand it...
On a sailboat, the club burgee should be flown at the masthead on a pigstick,
all other flags except national ensign from the starboard spreader. If you are
flying the club burghee you should also fly your club rank flag. If you have
two masts, you can fly the private signal from the mizzen masthead. Don't
forget your "Owner absent" and "Guest in charge" flags, not to mention
"Dinner," "Cocktail," and "Church." Might be room for some sails, too, when
you have all your flags flying.