Oh boy!
"Don White" wrote in message
I was surfing my High Def channels before packing it in tonight and caught
a program called 'Lock & Load'.
It was about a family owned gun shop in Colorado and all the cusomers who
came in to try out & buy shootin' irons.
Couldn't believe it...I bet about 40% of the customers brought their small
children in...mostly toddlers. Some of the older (8-10 ) kids were passed
what looked like auto assault weapons to play with.
Man...talk about a gun culture...a lot of the customers already owned
numerous weapons.
Up here the cops and a local camera store are giving away Sony point &
shoot cameras for each handgun/rifle passed in. After the turned in guns
are examined and checked for any history, they are destroyed.
Lets see. Turn in a $500 weapon and get a $50 camera. Good business. For
the state. I was raised around firearms. The kids getting accidently
killed are most likely from parents who do not acknowledge firearms and the
only ones the kids see are on TV and the person getting shot 99 times and
getting up. I was taught gun safety from as far back as I can remember. My
kids were taught firearms safety. Started shooting small bore rifles and 20
ga shotguns at beercans and clay pidgeons when they were maybe 8 or 9.
Neither kid owes guns as they do not desire to, but they do know what to do
to keep themselves and the family safe if around a firearm. Education on
firearms is missing these days.