Oh boy!
jps wrote:
On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 10:41:16 -0500, lil abner wrote:
jps wrote:
On Wed, 02 Dec 2009 23:51:01 -0500, lil abner wrote:
Don White wrote:
I was surfing my High Def channels before packing it in tonight and caught a
program called 'Lock & Load'.
It was about a family owned gun shop in Colorado and all the cusomers who
came in to try out & buy shootin' irons.
Couldn't believe it...I bet about 40% of the customers brought their small
children in...mostly toddlers. Some of the older (8-10 ) kids were passed
what looked like auto assault weapons to play with.
Man...talk about a gun culture...a lot of the customers already owned
numerous weapons.
Up here the cops and a local camera store are giving away Sony point & shoot
cameras for each handgun/rifle passed in. After the turned in guns are
examined and checked for any history, they are destroyed.
I wa brought up with firearms. I didn't handle or fire one until it was
determined I was safe with them.
My own kids went one, at a time, with me at 6. They hunted, with a gun,
while, I attended at about 7.
At ten they hunted squirrels alone behind the house.
Some kids, today, know nothing but tv. It depends on who raised them,
the tv, or parents, and where they live etc.
At 5 I was killing chickens, by wringing their necks and chores that
most Teenagers would whine and cry and not do.
I'm not sure what you saw. I won't accuse you of being socialist.
We frequently hear hand wringing and the sky is falling from the
socialist camp.
Do you live in historical Russia?
Not being in favor of the proliferation of handguns and their
availablity to nutcases does not a socialist make.
I endorse your interest in shooting small defenseless animals if
that's what floats your boat, or hunting for food. I even endorse
your ability to have firearms to defend your life and property.
What I don't endorse is no check sales of firearms at uncontrolled
gun shows and lax gun shops.
What I don't endorse is all the money the NRA has spread around
Washington to promote laws that hinder our ability to wrestle with
this out-of-control problem. Maybe it's fine for you to watch as
people get killed in bunches, I'm not immune to the taking of innocent
4 cops, two of them trainers in SWAT. Armed, trained, getting ready
to go on duty, shot dead in cold blood by one asshole.
Normally, some dunderhead would be arguing that if ONE of those four
people had a gun, the gunman couldn't have killed all four.
Guess what? It's a ****ing specious argument that just got proven
The cat is long out of the bag on this problem and I have not a clue
what to do. The NRA has pushed the availability so far beyond reason
that we're doomed to have to live with the consequences for years to
Humans can be so ****ing short sighted. I'm not among that lot.
Firearms are tools. It is our right. We told government hands off in our
You want to make it a privilege dictated on your terms.
By the way, it will surprise you to know that meat doesn't come from the
supermarket. The animal was killed a lot less humanely than a Hunter would.
I don't buy that meat.
The NRA hasn't pushed anything.
Bull****. They're in the pants of everyone.
S--t happens. Life is uncertain. The
society is full of criminals.
And thanks to the NRA and short-term thinkers like you, cheap weapons
are widely available.
You cannot depend on society or Law
Enforcement to be at your side to protect you when a predator comes for
you. Even if you have the means to protect yourself it is not a 100%
guaranteed you will be the victor.
4 cops, armed, trained. Weapons are being used to kill innocent
people, relatives, their owners.
If you don't want to take responsibility for your own existence that's
fine. Put a big 911 button on your phone. Go whine and cower in your
What a crock of ****.
Who's coming into my house? Smart people use deterrents to keep
unwanted people from coming into their houses. Do you post an image
of a gun on your house?
A flashing LED will keep a car prowler out of your car. Are you smart
enough to install one?
The predators will come for the ones offering the least
resistance first.
You watch too much television or you're just old, feeble and paranoid.
Would you recommend all octogenarians have carry permits?
No one elected to give up their rights and let you be
Oh really? Where did I say they did?
Leave normal Citizens alone.
I do and you're not.
Dry humor no doubt.