Adieu, adieu...
Jack wrote:
On Dec 3, 8:19 pm, jps wrote:
On Thu, 03 Dec 2009 19:39:18 -0500, "H the K (I post with a Mac)"
Jack wrote:
On Dec 3, 3:21 pm, "H the K (I post with a Mac)"
Jack wrote:
On Dec 3, 2:12 pm, Loogypicker wrote:
On Dec 3, 2:02 pm, Scott Dickson wrote:
On Dec 3, 10:17 am, Loogypicker wrote:
On Dec 3, 10:06 am, "H the K (I post with a Mac)"
wrote: my iMac 3.06Ghz with the beautiful 24" screen.
Sold it at a fair price to a guy who responded to an ad on Craigslist.
Do you really think that anyone here gives a **** about your low-rent
craigslist deals?
Maybe as much as the political **** you spew on here....moron.
I like you new signature, it' fits you well. But, Moron, what
political "****" do I spew? Go ahead, dummy, show me some threads I've
started that are political.
By the way, a search on Craigslist brings up NO Macs for sale for the
last few days in Huntingtown. Another lie by Harry!
You gotta parse those words carefully. He never said the ad was to
sell the imac, just that he sold it to a guy who answered a craigslist
ad. The ad was for somthing totally different. Ewww.
The older loogy gets, the dumber loogy gets. And you are his soul bro,
A. I doubt if loogy could find the right ad if I gave him the URL.
B. The instructions I got with the Craigslist ad said the ad would be
"up" for a week. That time period passed.
C. JPS here got a copy of the ad.
You've posted several times that you and the rest of the pink army
never talk off-line. Now jps has a copy of your ad? Caught in
another lie, wafa.
JPS has a copy of the ad because I sent it to him, d.f. He expressed
some interest in buying the iMac. When we talk off-line, we discuss the
number of men who are playing slap and tickle with your wife.
Ha, ha! Just like I lied about German screwdrivers! I was interested
in Harry's Imac for my kids. I don't understand why Jackoff has taken
an interest in knowing these details about your life.
He posted them here, dumbass.
If he's not interested in your Imac, he should keep his stupid trap
shut and move on. Small-minded petty games are the Jackoff's
Poor simpletons you guys are. You wouldn't have known about the
supposed imac unless harold told you about it offline. However,
offline is exactly what you guys claim you don't do!
Web, weave, deceive. How would you say it, jps? Oh yeah, couple of
lying ****s you are.
Actually, d.f., I mentioned right here in that I was
interested in selling my iMac...and jps responded right here in that he might be interested.
Righties...except they never get anything right.
Now...go play with your kleagle of klowns, jackoff.