Adieu, adieu...
Scott Dickson wrote:
On Dec 5, 9:16 am, Loogypicker wrote:
On Dec 4, 2:45 pm, Scott Dickson wrote:
On Dec 3, 2:09 pm, "H the K (I post with a Mac)"
Scott Dickson wrote:
On Dec 3, 10:17 am, Loogypicker wrote:
On Dec 3, 10:06 am, "H the K (I post with a Mac)"
wrote: my iMac 3.06Ghz with the beautiful 24" screen.
Sold it at a fair price to a guy who responded to an ad on Craigslist.
Do you really think that anyone here gives a **** about your low-rent
craigslist deals?
Maybe as much as the political **** you spew on here....moron.
Actually, *all* loogy spews here is crap, political or otherwise.
Apparently, the twerp is still threatening to come north to test my home
defense "technology." :)
Let me know, I'll come down and video the whole thing.Make sure you've
got Coors on hand!!!!!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
I'll do that! See you this spring.
Well, hate to let you down, moron, but I was talking to Harry.
Poor Loogy...he tries so hard to suck up...and he can't get that right,
I have no idea why he "plans" to show up here. I've told him in no
uncertain terms he isn't welcome. If he tries to bust into the house or
attempts any sort of assault, he'll leave in an ambulance or body
I don't do fistfights or karate. I do...lead.