"Tim" wrote in message
On Dec 9, 3:48 pm, I am Tosk wrote:
In article 8bd9f928-2688-4678-a23c-133c97d9dba5
@j14g2000yqm.googlegroups.com, says...
hows the weather holding up there, brother?
I've heard Chicago-land is supposed to get a pounding. Here, there's
40 mi gusts, 35 degrees and spitting snow occasionally...
I just feels plain cold outside. the wind drives the humidity right
though coveralls
snerk you wear coveralls?? I do have a white Tyvec suit I wear for
bees, but only with the funny hat
man, i didn't know you were a fellow beekeeper!
Why would you need a Tyvec suit? We used to wear the funny hat, but gathered
many wild hives with a long pole and a big garbage bag... just knock them
off the branch and let them drop into the bag. The only time it didn't work
was when we mis-aligned the drop and the hive landed on my hs boyfriend's
head. He only got stung three or four times on the neck and arms.